Read or write a comment to my book

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16 thoughts on “Read or write a comment to my book

Mona Lundquist

Dear Ilse!
I have read your book over and over again The first time I was so surprised that anyone could know me that well. I underlined everything that is me and that was lots. It feels so good to read that I am not such an odd person just high sensitive. What a difference! I start to accept myself and choose my way of life after 63 years. I hope I one day even can be satisfied and proud of who I am and not ashamed and disappointed as I used to..I think this book is very important and I want to tell people about it.


I consumed this book almost in one go – I found it very well written, easy to read and understand.
The book contains a nice mix of examples from real life as well as Ilse’s own lovely honesty.
This book will accompany me throughout my life.
I look forward to reading it again – more slowly and spending more time on the details.

Natalija, 32

Dear Ilse,

Thank you a lot for helping me discover myself at the fullest.

I was very surprised to found out that many “strange” features of my character are gethered under one description – “highly sensitive person”. And this is exactly the reason why it is so hard to me to live under some circumstances and feel so different vs.majority of people.

Your book is wonderfuly. I will try to implement your advices and come back to it again and again when feeling bad.

Thank you.

Dear Ilse

I was very happy to find your book ‘the emotional compass’ came out in English. I ordered it and began to read. At first I found myself being defensive and thought ‘this isn’t for me.’ But since I enjoyed your first book I decided to give myself and the compass book another chance.

I did the suggested exercises to my great big benefit.

Thank you for writing these important and valuable books for us sensitive people. I really appreciate all the deep thought that went into making the emotional compass so accessible to read.


Dear Ilse,

I have just read your book in the German version and I am fascinated.

Why? It is because I know already more than 3 years about my High Sensitivity and I have read a lot of books and articles about it – and of course met a lot of other HSP’s.
But: I have never read a book which give me such an efficient insight and self-help than yours. Your words are so straight forward and reaching directly my soul and the bottom of my heart. Thanks for that!
Even after 3 years knowing about my High Sensitivity I have learned new things, like e.g. the level of discussions or how to cope with anger. I will definitely read your book again and again and again. It is because your words are so deep that I have to practice those new learnings in my daily life.
You have written a book which really gives the essence on High Sensitivity without loosing into too much detail (as it is very often the case in other books about HS). You really describe the most important parts to know and to integrate High Sensitivity positively in my life.

I wish you all the best – take good care 🙂



I can’t write English well.
I’m a Japanese woman.
I have serious problem of my life.
I read your “Come closer” in Japanese version.
I feel better.
Thank you very mach.

annick soulier

Dear Ilse
I’m french. I read your book”‘highly sensitives”??? or “hypersensibles ” in french. I was very happy to read it. It made mee feel better.


Dear Ilse,

I bought the Italian version of your book yesterday, read 66 pages in no time int he evening, and I already feel that it helps me a lot. It calmed me down and know it will help to understand and accept myself better and to act in such a way that this characteristic doesn’t get in the way of positive relationships and relaxing being-on-my-own!

Thanks Ilse, I really love the simple, clear and profound way you get the reader through you book.
When I finish it I might want to add another comment.

Thanks again,


thank you so much for your book(s), they help me so much to understand myself and accept my characteristics.
I always felt to be some kind of different to other people in many ways. Now I know that also others are like me.
All the best from Austria.,


Thank you for helping me understand myself and for reassuring me that I am not alone. I am now beginning to accept who i am and to find happiness living how i need to live.


Dear Ilse,
I am really feeling very happy after reading this. Thank you for helping me understand myself


Hi Ilse and all highly sensitive friends reading this note,
I was already familiar with the concept since years but like bits and pieces, a little from here and a little from there. So this book was the perfect tresor which keeps everything together under my hand.

There is just one point where I still have problems with. I know how is it to be a HSP but the world does not seem to spend its valuable time trying to create space for me. I try to accept and love myself as I am but still need to be understood by my loved ones. Not in a sense that they feel sorry for me and they understand how difficult it is to live in such a kaotic world. But I just want to put in each their understanding that, being HSP is also just a natural thing, and just show a little respect to it. That is it. But even the ones who are the most closest to us mention that they are sorry, they did not know how fragile we are etc…It hurts also because they are still treating us as if we lack something and they show great understanding to our lack..
I am really fed up to be surrounded in such a world..
I just want to find the 30% who are HSP 😊😊

James Dixon

Dear Ilse, I am a 54 year old Englishman. I have only just discovered the concept of highly sensitive people, and I am reading your book with great joy. I feel rather like a cat would who sees another cat for the first time – I thought I was the only one! I have lived thinking so many of my strengths and weaknesses are just illnesses. This is how society often treats us, yet now I feel I can finally see who I am and why. Merely to read a few pages of your elegant, beautiful prose gives me calm, Makes me feel accepted. I have also watched your lecture today. How true that highly sensitive people can feel ashamed of how we spend our time, yet you give me the courage to be honest! Today, I have made risotto, walked a neighbour’s dog in the tranquil harvest countryside, and worked on the collection of haiku poetry I am writing. Last week I was obliged to socialise a lot. I felt much happier today and bad about that… until I saw your lecture. So thank you, Isle. I will return to your book and website often, and I look forward to receiving your newsletter. Best wishes, James

This is a great nice well written book

I found your book deeply resonant and transformative. It has given me a profound understanding of myself and helped me realize that being highly sensitive is not a flaw but a unique trait. Your insights have provided comfort and empowerment, allowing me to embrace my true self. I believe your work is invaluable for anyone navigating the challenges of high sensitivity. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and helping so many find acceptance.


I am only on chapter 3 of your book „highly sensitive people“, and from the bottom of my heart: thank you. This book might just be saving my life.

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