
Below you will see the same video repeated with subtitles in different languages.
Differerent videos can be seen here (only with subtitles in English).

What a highly sensitive person is often ashamed of
– an excerpt from a lecture by
Ilse Sand.

With English subtitles

More videos in English or with English subtitles here

With French subtitles

Le sentiment de honte chez les hypersensibles
Un extrait d’une conférence
de psychothérapeute
Ilse Sand


With Russian subtitles

Слишком чувствительные люди
Отрывок из лекции
Илсе Санд


With Dutch subtitles

Waar hoogsensitieve mensen zich vaak voor schamen
– een fragment uit een lezing
door psychotherapeut
Ilse Sand.


With Swedish subtitles


With Czech subtitles

You need to click on the icon at the bottom of the video for subtitles.